duminică, 28 august 2011

My Art

Hi everyone! This summer I`ve spent so much time on photographing and editing photographies. So it`s my honor to present to you my newest art!

You like it? Then check it out my dA account,where I have more photographies! Thanks so much for your support. http://meclaire.deviantart.com/  ~MeClaire

miercuri, 3 august 2011

Prossima Fermata : Firenze!

One word for all this: awsone! I arrived in Florence and is such an wonderfull city. There are so many turists and is so crowdy but this I forget when I admire the Domme della Firenze ( I'm not so sure this is the right name) and when I eat italian pizza( which is so great,by the way) . Now I don't have time to upload some photos from this city but the next days I will try to do this( hope so). Well the next station is the lovely Rome! I'm so exciting,I'll write you from there! See ya!

marți, 2 august 2011

Welcome, Verona!

I`m so glad that finally my time for vacantion has arrived! My dad drived fron Bucharest to Wien( for just one night) and from Wien to Verona. What can I say? Verona it`s wondefull! I visited theier "Arena" and it`s amazing! I`m so exciting and I can`t wait for tomorrow to arrive at Florence. See ya!

 Thanks God for free internet! I don`t know what I can do without it!
Hope I will post theese days,see you then!

marți, 26 iulie 2011

Ich verstehe nicht, was passiert

Ich verstehe nicht, was passiert

"I know I was wrong". This might be a part from a letter or just a passing thought. Who will ever know?
What I did? Well, I used g.trans. for that first sentence which is in germany. So easy,isn`t it? Look how it works: every of us has times when we were wrong about random things and I think that these words express in the same time the sadness. Like you`ve done something which was wrong,and the damage is done and it affects a lot of people and you want so badly to turn back the time or to fix it. But,lets face it, sometime you can`t do anything and that feels like a hole in your soul, because in the end it`s all your fault. And the society will always blaim you,no matter what. Quite an frustraiting point of view..

sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2011

Intalnirea Bobocilor de Iorga

Hei! Tocmai azi am asistat la intalnirea bobocilor din Iorga. Am ajuns eu acolo,emotionata,si am inceput sa ma prezint pe la toti bobocii sositi. Dupa scurt timp lumea a inceput sa se adune ,formandu-se grupulete. Am incercat sa fac cunostinta cu toti bobocii,si pot spune ca am facut cunostinta cu majoritatea. Dar pot recunoaste ca nu stiu nici pe jumate numele celor cu care am facut cunostinta,dar toti au fost de treaba si emotiile de la inceput au trecut cu timpu.

Mi-am ales un grup destul de primitor si am ales sa merg cu ei pana la o terasa din Herastrau. Acolo am ras,am facut schimb de id-uri si parca ne cunosteam dintotdeauna. Ceilalti(destui de numerosi si ei) au ales sa mearga ba cu hidrobicicletele ba sa se bronzeze pe iarba din "Gradina Japoneza".

Dupa ce toti ne-am facut comozi pe scaune,am inceput sa comandam bauturi de tot felul.Eu una,impreuna cu inca cinci boboci,am ales baututa "Safe Sex"(tin sa spun ca era non-alcoolica!),care a fost extraordinara si care ne-a amuzat de la numele incitant pe care il purta.

Dupa aceea am ales sa-i urmam pe cei care s-au dus inainte sa se plimbe cu hidrobicicletele. Acolo a urmat o alta portie de rasete si distractie pana la maxim.
Am avut cu adevarat o intalnire cum nu se putea mai bine.

joi, 7 iulie 2011

Walking around the Bucharest

So here I am,in Bucharest, with one of my best friend A.  having the time of our lives.

 Well,as you see, outside was an wonderful weather. Toghether, we went to the National Museum of Art.

There,in the back,is the museum. Big ,huh?

1.My bag - Accessorize
2.Sandals- from a random shop
3.Blouse- La Redoute
4.Sunglasses - AFI Palace Cotroceni (mall)

sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2011

Who wants to live forever?

All of us wants to live forever,but for what reasons? There are some many,even if there are bad or good we love this life and we maybe never let it go ,even if the time cames.
The beautiness is in all of us,even if we never see it. That`s one of the reason why we want to live forever.

Love. We always need it. Once you have it you will never let go,even if it means to fight forever.

                                          Who wants to live forever must have everything.

Who wants to live forever must have a big dream,a great opportunity and a awsome ability.


vineri, 1 iulie 2011

Nu pot realiza ce se va intampla,persoane noii,locuri noi,lume noua. Parca astept sa vina inceputul de scoala si sa vad aceiasi colegi,sa stau in aceeasi banca,sa am in fata mea aceleasi prietene. Nu pot realiza inceputul a ceva fara ca totul sa fie normal,a ceva fara pretenele mele bune cu care sa ma cert cand eu le intrebam de raspunsurile la mate si ele se enervau,sau cand trebuia sa mergem mereu la toaleta pentru D. si sa-i tinem trusa imensa de machiaj. Parca vreau aceeasi profi care sa ne enerveze cand sunt irascibili sau sa ne amuze cand numai ei au chef, se incepe ceva care va lasa goluri si amintiri care te vor face sa plangi si sa duci dorul celor din trecut. Tot odata o sa ma simt bine sa le revad si sa radem de tot ce faceam in trecut,sau sa ne vizitam cand fiecare are vreo problema,sau orice altceva care ne va tine unite. Probabil ca va fi greu sa tinem pasul cu trecerea timpului si sa avem puterea de a imparti partea de prezent cu cea din trecut. Tot ce as vrea sa mai spun e ca sentimentele pe care le simt fata de prietenii mei si colegii mei nu se vor stinge niciodata, si probabil de fiecare data cateva lacrimi vor cadea.

sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

Free your mind

Your mind should be free! Well,finally we passed alive through the final exams,but wasn't easy! Now I enjoy every second of these days, have a great summer!!

vineri, 17 iunie 2011

Smelling the Summer

Standing with my papers in my hands and studing hard for the final exams but I still dream at this big summer which is comming.
I love when the summer starts `cause it brings a lot of opportunities for my and my friends. Don`t you love it?